Summer 2024
5/16 - Bluebird Bar - Toronto, ON
5/18 - Boogie Bash w/ Colin James - Invermere, BC
5/28 - Ancaster Memorial Arts Centre - Ancaster, ON
6/1 - Orangeville Blues & Jazz Festival - Orangeville, ON
6/2 - Orangeville Blues & Jazz Festival - Orangeville, ON
6/6 - Wild Buffalo w/ Colin James - Bellingham, WA
6/7 - Triple Door w/ Colin James - Seattle, WA
6/8 - Triple Door w/ Colin James - Seattle, WA
6/22 - Stratford Live Music Festival - Stratford, ON
6/26 - Jimmy's Jazz & Blues Club w/ Colin James - Portsmouth, NH
6/27 - Jimmy's Jazz & Blues Club w/ Colin James - Portsmouth, NH
6/30 - Blues On The Battlefield - Thorold, ON
7/10 - Festival International De Blues w/ Brandon Isaak- Mont-Tremblant, QC
7/11 - Festival International De Blues w/ MonkeyJunk- Mont-Tremblant, QC
7/12 - Lighthouse Blues Festival - Kincardine, ON
7/13 - RBC Ottawa Bluesfest - Ottawa, ON
7/18 - District Wine Village w/ Colin James - Oliver, BC
7/19 - Winthrop Rhythm & Blues Festival w/ Colin James - Winthrop, WA
7/26 - Blues d'La Baie w/ MonkeyJunk - Petit-Rocher, NB
7/31 - Wideskies Music Festival w/ MonkeyJunk - Lethbridge, AB
8/1 - Calgary Blues Festival w/ MonkeyJunk - Calgary, AB
8/2 - Calgary Blues Festival w/ MonkeyJunk - Calgary, AB
8/4 - Festival De Blues Donnacona w/ MonkeyJunk - Donnacona, QC
8/9 - Larlee Creek Hullaballoo w/ MonkeyJunk - Perth-Andover, NB
8/11 - Cloggeroo w/ MonkeyJunk - Montague, PE
8/16 - Whistler Olympic Plaza w/ Colin James - Whistler, BC
8/17 - Pacific National Exhibition w/ Colin James - Vancouver, BC
Juno Award Winning Artist. Multi-Instrumentalist. Producer.
May 10th, 2024
Greetings Everybody!
I've had a very eventful spring!
On March 6th at 4:30pm Eastern, Jacquie and I welcomed our beautiful daughter, Dylan Rose Marriner to the world! It's hard to believe "L'il Dyl" is two months old already! She's sweet as pie and lights up our lives daily. Jacquie is an amazing Mama and has recovered beautifully from the birth.
On April 19th, Jacquie Dylan and I attended Buddy Guy's farewell performance at the legendary Massey Hall in Toronto. To my shock and delight, Buddy called me up on stage to play harmonica with him and his deadly band. We jammed the Little Walter classic "Everything's Gonna Be Alright" and I just about died from excitement! Trading licks on Canada's most important stage with the last of the blues legends was a definite career highlight! Thanks Buddy!
On May 3rd, "This Old Life" the album Jimmy Bowskill and I produced for Canadian blues hero Big Dave McLean was released on Cordova Bay Records. To Celebrate, we brought Dave from his home in Winnipeg, MB to Ontario for a six-date tour around the province. Happy to report that 5/6 shows were sold out and Big Dave was in fine form and charmed all the audiences with his heartfelt stories and songs. Honoured to have been a part of it all!
Looking ahead, I have a busy summer planned with a bunch of shows with MonkeyJunk, Colin James and my own band as well! Looking forward to returning to some of my favourite music festivals, making new friends and most of all spending time with my new family!
See you out there!
Love and gratitude!
S. xo